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Animating your Character

Now that you have your character's body and head prepared, you can use the video performance to drive the character's facial animations.

In this section, you will learn how to:

Analyze the facial performance

Retarget animation using Faceware

HIK setup

Set up the Human IK (HIK)

How to attach your model to the control rig, import the mocap data and apply the mocap data to the model. 


STEPHAN: should this not be part of character set up?

Create and edit animation clips

Faceware's analyzer 

How to create animations, work with layers, import multiple animation clips, and blend animations. 

DDH Retargeting 

How to animate the characters mesh to match the projection using Maya 2019 and the Faceware Retargeter Plug-in

5. Set up the DDH template

The following is how to set up the DDH template in Maya and After Effects. This will produce UV maps with baked-in facial performance video enabling the model to be animated very accurately using this projection "tracing layer" over the model, as you retarget (clean up) the animations. 

5.1: Maya step by step

5.2: After effects step by step

© Cream Productions Inc. 2020

5. Render Head Projection

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